
Leadership is Influence

Leadership is Influence.   
Nothing more, nothing less. 

It's often  misunderstood when a person has an impressive title or has been assigned a leadership position, they assume that individual is a leader.  Sometimes that's true.  But titles don't have much value when it comes to leading.  True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed or assigned.  It comes only from influence and that cannot be mandated.  The only thing a title can buy is a little time to increase your level of influence with others or undermine it. 


Myth 1
Management Myth
The myth that leading & management are one in the same. 
The difference is leadership is influencing people to follow.  While management focuses on maintaining systems and processes.  

Leadership / Management Test
To determine whether a person is a leader or manager is to ask them to create positive change. 
Managers can maintain direction but often they can't change it.  Systems & processes can only do so much.  To move people in a forward direction you need influence.  

Myth 2 
King of the Mountain Myth
A leader isn't necessarily the person in the front of the line or out front.  It's the person that has others wanting to follow.  Don't listen to the claim of the person professing to be a leader.  Don't examine his/her credibility or impressive title.  Don't check their title.  Check their influence.  Proof of leadership is found in the followers. 

Myth 3
No Need Building Relationships Myth
You're a leader if you have followers and that takes relationships.  Build enough of the right kind of relationships and you can become a leader within your organization.  

Leaders seek to recognize and influence energy, moral, timing and momentum. 

Myth 4
Experience Makes Me a Leader Myth
Experience doesn't guarantee credibility but does give you a change to prove you are capable. 

"He who thinks he leads, 
but has no followers, 
is taking a walk"
John Maxwell

Programs that Relate to "U"

These programs come from over 40 years of John Maxwell's leadership and communication training.  As a certified John Maxwell instructor I have used the lessons of John Maxwell's teaching to focus on 'U".

Learn how to Build your Personal Network by Implementing  these Very Important Topics

  • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect 
    • The Importance of thinking long term.  Communicating effectively works hand in hand with networking and should begin immediately.
      • Think outside the box  
        • Build relationships throughout the community with VIPs by attending meetings and being involved with community organizations like Kiwanis,  Young Professionals and Chamber of Commerce meetings.
        • Understanding that the young members of these organizations will be involved with the city and county someday in the future. 
        • Why wait until you need something to negotiate or sell before you build trust?
        • Why not begin now and build a long term relationship with future leaders.  
        • You may even become a future leader within your own department and these relationships would be priceless. 
      • Benefits
        • Build Long Term Relationships
          • Learn how to build Personal and professional relationships.  A trust, a bond and your character where community members understand your value and believe in you.   Learning how to build the business of you for direct and indirect influence within your city or department.  Helping with negotiations, sponsorships and more.  
          • Establish your character over time.  Understand that it takes longer than one meeting in front of the local television station at a council meeting to influence decisions.  
          • Give yourself time to learn and build your network.
  • Learn how to Fail Forward
    • Understand why you must fail in order to be successful.  
      • The secret is to learn from failures and to fail forward.
        • Benefits
          • Learn how to accept failures as part of the process to succeed. 
          • Failing Forward is our goal.  
          • If we learn from each failure we may find our true selves within
  • Learn Why Today Matters 
    • Everyone wants to have a good day, but not many people know what a good day looks like—much less how to create one. Even fewer people understand how the way you live today impacts your tomorrow. Real sustainable change doesn’t happen in an instant—it’s cultivated through a process. The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.
  •  Learn the 15 Laws of Growth
    •  My goal in this course is simply to help you learn how to grow and develop yourself so you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be. You’re going to quickly recognize how these laws can help you be more successful in every area of life, building up your sense of purpose, your passion, and your potential.
  • Learn how to Become a Person of Influence
    • Regardless of status or position, the influence you cultivate will impact people long after you are gone. Creating positive influence will not only be a catalyst to your own success, it will become the legacy you will leave behind. Whatever your vocation, and wherever you choose to apply your leadership, you can increase your impact on others by learning the principles of influence.
  •  Learn that Sometimes you Win, Sometimes you Learn
    •  Learning is not easy during down times, it takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. As John Maxwell often points out, experience isn't the best teacher--evaluated experience is.
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